Ten Fruitful Years! Happy 10th Anniversary, FIFE Fund!
FIFE Fund supports a variety of learning activities outside classroom.
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Who will benefit

Who will benefit


The objective of the FIFE Fund is to provide financial assistance for students, who are the first generation in their families to attend university and have financial constraints, to participate in experiential learning activities.

The FIFE Fund differs from other giving programmes at HKU in its core concepts of social mobility and serial reciprocity. It goes beyond financial assistance and seeks to break the cycle of inter-generational poverty.

The FIFE Fund also promotes the act of “paying forward” (受恩施恩、薪火相傳). Fund recipients are expected to serve the community, create opportunities for others and share with other students on what they have learned; thus raising their social conscience during the early days at HKU. Upon graduation, they are supposed to further engage in the advancement of society.