Ten Fruitful Years! Happy 10th Anniversary, FIFE Fund!
FIFE Fund supports a variety of learning activities outside classroom.

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The “First-in-the-Family Education Fund” (FIFE Fund) relies solely on the generosity of alumni and friends of HKU, as well as the general public of Hong Kong Society.

As it is important to keep the Fund healthy and growing, your donation, regardless of amount, is significant and essential. We hope that the community will continue to support the FIFE Fund, so as to create a brighter future for HKU students whose dreams can then become reality.

In return, we also hope that students who benefit today will give back and provide opportunities for generations that come after them, i.e. to promote the spirit of “paying forward” (受恩施恩 薪火相傳).

If you are interested in supporting the FIFE Fund, please contact the Development & Alumni Affairs Office at giving@hku.hk.