Ten Fruitful Years! Happy 10th Anniversary, FIFE Fund!
FIFE Fund supports a variety of learning activities outside classroom.


Azalea (1972) Endowment Fund

The Azalea (1972) Endowment Fund was set up by alumni Mr Lawrence Fung Siu-por and Mrs Alexandra Fung Lee Suk-wai who graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences at HKU in 1972. One of the HKU projects that the Azalea Fund supports is the “First-in-the-Family Education Fund”.

“It was only a modest gift and the least we could do for our alma mater. It will be nice if everyone could give back to their schools where they were educated, and benefit their home of Hong Kong,” said Mr Fung.

兩位 1972 年社會科學學院畢業生馮紹波先生和他的太太李淑慧女士成立「杜鵑 ( 1972 ) 基金」。其中一項資助項目為「第一代大學生助學金」。 


Kwan Chuk-fai (BA 1983)

Chuk-fai was one of the early beneficiaries of the Hong Kong Government’s Tertiary Student Finance Scheme, which provides financial assistance for university students in Hong Kong. He was grateful to those who supported him in the past and wanted to give back to society.


Dr Philip K H Wong, Former Chairman of HKU Foundation

“I hope you are able to prosper and blossom here at HKU and receive the best education. One day, I hope you will give back to society.


Class of 1983 Silver Jubilee

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of its graduation, the HKU Class of 1983 made a collective effort to raise funds for a meaningful cause - the “First-in-the-Family Education Fund”. Many members of the Class were the first generation in their families admitted to the University and therefore they recognised the value of the Fund. A walkathon was held in September 2008 which was followed by a reunion dinner in October.

1983年同學會銀禧紀念 – 為慶祝畢業25周年,香港大學1983年同學會為第一代大學生助學金籌款。因大部分畢業生都是當期時的第一代大學生,所以他們都確認此基金的價值及重要性。他們並在2008年9月為基金舉行步行籌款,翌年亦舉行了重聚聯歡會。

Mrs Daisy Tong (Law 1972)

“As one of the first batch of law graduates from the Department of Law (as then called) and as I am fortunate enough to have reaped the fruits of the great education from HKU and have benefited from society, I send herewith a cheque as my humble donation to the FIFE Fund.”


Mr Yeung Kwok-keung of Country Garden Holdings Ltd

“I would like to give back to Hong Kong society. I experienced poverty when I was young. The tuition fee for high school was $7 a month, while I only received a bursary of $2. I had no money for the bus or meals and had never worn new clothes or shoes before the age of 18. I realise that education is very important as it can drive people to excel.”

碧桂園集團有限公司主席楊國強先生:『我自己都是香港人,所以想在香港社會做點貢獻…… 年幼時我經歷貧窮的生活,中學每月7元學費,但只有2元助學金,沒錢坐車、無錢食飯、十八歲以前沒穿過新衫新鞋的經歷都試過,從一無所有到現在。我知道教育很重要,良好教育可以令人有上進心。 』

Mr Cho Chi Ming, Executive Director of Hong Kong Economic Journal

“I always wanted to be a university student when I was younger. However, due to financial constraints, I wasn’t able to realise this dream. This is my biggest regret in life. But I am glad that my two daughters helped me to realise this dream. They both graduated from HKU with first class and second class honours.”


Mr. Choi Kim-Kwong

In loving memory of Mr Choi Kim-Kwong (1951 - 2012), his daughter Ms Athena Choi and older brother Mr Choi Kim-Lui (BSocSc 1972) made a gift to the University in 2015 to establish the Choi Kim Kwong Service Learning Fund for students who are first generation in their families to attend university.

Mr Choi Kim-Kwong was a self-made entrepreneur who built a successful logistics business. Deprived of educational opportunities when he was young, he had a strong belief in the importance of education and in the nurturing of future generations. It is hoped that the Fund will enable students at the Medical Faculty to participate in outside-classroom voluntary service or service learning projects, thus inculcate the spirit of service among young people.

蔡劍光先生 (1951 - 2012) 白手興家,成功地建立了物流事業。他年少時雖未有機會入讀大學,但一直堅信教育對培育下一代的重要性,熱心支持教育。為延續他的行善精神,他的女兒蔡凱璇及哥哥蔡劍雷 (七二年社會科學系畢業生) 於 2015 年成立了「蔡劍光志願服務基金」,捐助入讀香港大學的第一代大學生。此基金旨在鼓勵就讀醫學院同學參與義務及服務學習,秉承助人不倦的精神。