Ten Fruitful Years! Happy 10th Anniversary, FIFE Fund!
FIFE Fund supports a variety of learning activities outside classroom.


Yuet Kam-Ting
Faculty of Medicine
Animal Volunteering
  • Volunteering and Service Trips
Animal Volunteering at the African Penguin Seabird Conservation Project, South Africa

As a global citizen, I would like to contribute to helping our environment and the conservation of wild animals. With the support of the FIFE Fund, I participated in the African Penguin & Seabird Conservation Project in South Africa as an international volunteer.

I took part in the rescue and treatment of oil-covered, injured and abandoned African penguins and seabirds. Apart from skills on the rehabilitation of seabirds, I also gained first-hand experience that allowed me to develop a sense of global responsibility, efficacy, and empathy. And such qualities are essential not only in seabird care, but also in patient care. This South African trip has been an important milestone in my life, it is helping me to empower myself to provide better care in my medical career the future.