Ten Fruitful Years! Happy 10th Anniversary, FIFE Fund!
FIFE Fund supports a variety of learning activities outside classroom.


Kwok Po Yee
Faculty of Social Sciences
Major in Social Work
  • Service-learning programme
  • Study tour (academic-related)
「湘思之情」- 愛彌爾雙向服務交流之旅

I participated in the Hunan Service Trip and visited children who have special developmental-behavioural problems, as well as their families. Without proper education and adequate social services in China, parents and children who are intellectually challenged or with autism face a lot of difficulties and discriminations.

An NGO, called Aimier, was established in 1999 to create hope to the children in Hunan. I was deeply touched by its founder, Miss Pan, and the teachers. They have a strong passion to provide education and training to the children. I have a strong feeling that I should strive for a better future for these children and their families in Hunan. All should enjoy the same right and access to opportunities. I hope that the continuous interaction and cooperation between Hunan and Hong Kong can create a better world for them. 

Young Global Citizenship Program 2009

The programme is organized by Humanity in Focus. I experience the power of youth and I dare to dream wide after joining this programme. The 15 days in Cambodia were the most unforgettable memory in my life. I visited local NGOs and organized an educational carnival in a slum area. I served as a teacher in a village school and visited the school children’s homes. During the trip, I made many friends sharing common faith and passion in Hong Kong as well as Cambodia, and I fully explored the meaning of global citizenship

In Cambodia, I met some local university students, who are volunteers with Village Focus International. I was impressed by their passion to change their country and serve the needy. They clearly described the problems in Cambodia and discussed how to eliminate such situations with me. I felt ashamed of myself because I have little knowledge of national issues. Because of them, I want to contribute more to my home country and stay up to date on global issues

Humanity in Focus.

Exchange Programme for Social Work Students Beijing Study Tour

This programme covered a wide range of issues in China, including the local livelihood situation, the economic situation, the social welfare system and development of social work. I had the opportunity to learn about the different values, training and practice on social work in China. Through discussions with other social work students, we all agreed that there should be a special model of social welfare and social work for China which could fit China’s situation.