Ten Fruitful Years! Happy 10th Anniversary, FIFE Fund!
FIFE Fund supports a variety of learning activities outside classroom.


Lai Wan Yi, Wendy
Faculty of Education
Major in Information Management
  • Exchange programme
Exchange at Sheffield University
Sept - Feb
2009 - 2010

UK by far is the most prominent and attractive study place in the world. I was honored to have a chance to study in Sheffield University through HKU Worldwide Student Exchange Programme. Sheffield is one of the five largest cities in UK. Though not a very popular tourist spot, it is definitely a good place for experiencing traditional British cultures.

Studying in Sheffield University enabled me to experience a different learning environment. Students there were willing to take initiatives, voice out their points of view and raise questions during classes. I was enlightened and motivated to speak English at a higher proficiency level. With the academic support and services provided by the University, I was also able to adopt the active learning methods to discover more robust and in-depth knowledge.

Apart from study, I participated in a great variety of activities organized by the university and got invaluable experiences of travelling around. I experienced the heaviest snowfall ever recorded in Europe during my Christmas trip. I had to decide whether to continue the journey or stay overnight in the train station. By tackling such an unexpected situation, I developed an agility of mind and acquired the skills of flexible adjustments.

University education aims not only at gaining knowledge but also having a worldwide perspective. Time flies. Five months breezed with laughter and pleasant memory. It was an unforgettable occasion and experience to study English with counterparts who came from different nations. I have formed a tight bond with students of different backgrounds, cultures and customs. Those precious moments and friendship will become my lifelong recollections and never be swayed away. 

I am thankful to HKU which patiently nurtures me in my path to knowledge and wisdom and guides me to set the goals and work towards them. Lastly, I wish to encourage my fellow students to take initiatives and grasp chances to widen their horizon and experience the world of differences. 

For more details on HKU Worldwide Student Exchange Programme, please visit the website of Office of International Student Exchange at http://www3.hku.hk/oise